Cara Withers Shaw
Over the last 20 years, I’ve experienced the transforming landscape of entertainment distribution. With an MBA from Pepperdine University, I started in Brand Management with Disney’s Home Entertainment division celebrating the birth of DVD and setting records with some of the biggest franchise sales in history, including Pirates of the Caribbean and The Chronicles of Narnia.
With 12 years of studio experience, I left Fox in 2014 to start Briteboard, a film marketing company focused on marketing ideas and execution for faith-based films. Over the years, clients included Twentieth Century Fox, MGM/Lightworkers, Paramount, Lionsgate and may independent filmmakers seeking distribution strategy, marketing plan development and outreach to the faith community.
Today, Briteboard continues to evolve, as does our film landscape and distribution opportunities. My services have broadened along with my experience, and now include media producing, script sales, as well as marketing strategy/project management for films that inspire, motivate and encourage. In 2022, I secured my first Producer credit on the documentary film, Landis: Just Watch Me, which pulled together all my combined experience in distribution, marketing/sales and project management. The future is BRITE. I hope we can experience the journey together.